Maintaining Life Balance For The Future and Family

The Interesting thing when I was invited in a Megaconference one of the Speakers who attended the "Brian Dyson", former CEO of "Coca Cola", had delivered a very interesting speech. And I was very impressed with it he said, "Imagine Life as an Acrobat with 5 Balls in the air".

We can call the balls with the title:
1. Job
2. Family
3. Health
4. Friend, and
5. Spirit

We have to keep all the balls in the air and it still do not let that drop.
If circumstances require that you remove any of the 5 ball, remove "job" because the work is Rubber Ball. By the time you drop it, one day he will bounce back. But the other four balls as Family, Health, Friends and Spirit are glass balls. If you drop it, the consequences could be fatal!"
Then, Dyson trying to persuade us to live in a balanced way. In fact, we are keeping a job (rubber balls). In fact we sacrifice family, health, friends and spirit in order to save the rubber ball.

For example:
- For the sake of money or work, we ignore the family,
- In order to succeed in the job, we do not pay attention to health,
- For the sake of money or work, we are willing to destroy a relationship with a good friend.

Not that the work is not important!
But jgn up money or a job to be "idols" in our lives.
Remember, even if we lose, money can always find it again.
But if the family has been "sold", where we could buy it again?
Are we able to buy a friend?
Are we able to get back to normal health, if we are exposed to critical illness?

Let's keep our priorities in life to stay balanced!!! That is the first priority in our lives.

"Motivation everyone should live each day filled with fuel to keep it on all day"
-The Great Zig Ziglar-