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Lowongan Kerja - Dibutuhkan Web Designer, Web Application Programmer, Java Script Programmer and Web Programmer

PT MyIndo Cyber Media adalah sebuah perusahaan di bidang Teknologi Informasi yang memfokuskan diri dibidang content and services, dengan memberikan solusi terbaik terhadap pengembangan dan pengelolaan Web/Portal, Aplikasi, Sistem dan Keamanan.

Dalam rangka memperkuat SDM dan memenuhi kebutuhan client, kami membutuhkan SDM dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Web DesignerGeneral Qualification :
Pekerja Cerdas, memiliki semangat yang tinggi untuk belajar (smart and fast learning).
Mampu bekerja secara team (teamwork)
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik Kreatif, inovatif, menyenangi tantangan

Qualification :
Umur Maks. 27 Tahun
Pendidikan D3 atau S1 (Fresh Graduate)
Jenis Kelamin L/P

Basic Knowledge :
Menguasai tentang User Experience Design, HTML, dan CSS
Menguasai Software / Program Design (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator)
Menguasai Software / Program Text Editor (Adobe Dreamweaver, Notepad++, dll)

Requirements :
Siap Bekerja Dengan Target
Mengenal Open Source CMS (Wordpress)
Mampu Melakukan Konversi ke HTML + CSS (Tableless)
Dapat bekerja dengan tim

Web Application Programmer
General Requirement :
Max 30 years old
Minimum Diploma Degree from any Majors Intelligence, diligent, & self motivated
Fast learning & hard worker
Team player

Skills :
Basic PHP,
PHP Object(OOP),
PHP Advance(Frame Work)
Zend frame work Code igniter
HTML SDLC(System Development Life Cycle)  

Job Description :
Build application web
Build web service
Build technical documentation
Build business processes from application Understand the framework

Java Script Programmer
General Requirement :
Minimum Diploma Degree from any Majors
Max 30 years old Intelligence, Diligent, & self motivated
Fast learning & hard worker
Team player

Skills :
HTML, CSS, Java Script, Jquery, Jquery UI, Jquery Mobile, SDLC(System Development Life Cycle)

Job Description :
Build and imported contraction JQuery and JQuery UI to website and application
Build business processes
Build Documentation

Web Programmer 
General Requirement :
Max 30 years old
Minimum Diploma Degree from any Majors Intelligence, diligent, & self motivated
Fast learning & hard worker
Team player

Skills :
Basic PHP, PHP Project, Website builder, WordPress, Drupall, HTML, CSS.

Job Description :
Build website with wordpress and drupal
Build technical documentation from wordpress and drupal
Build documentation products
Build business processes

Kirim Lamaran ke :
Jl.Radio 1 No.21 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan
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