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Market Structure and Competition in the Corporate World

The Market Structure of the Factors that can affect Behavior and Performance of Firms in the Market, such as the number of firms in the market, Production Scale, the number of Buyers, Consumer Knowledge, ability to lower the price and others.

Here are some kind of Market Force in the Corporate World.
A. Market Competition Perfect (Perfect Market Competition)
Perfect Competition market is also called the market Competitive or Competitive Market.
Principal characteristic of perfect competition can be in the know are the following:
  • Sellers and buyers are very much
  • Homogeneous Products (Same Business Solutions)
  • Free to enter the Market and Abandoned.
  • Consumers know the Market Conditions
  • Factors Free Moving
  • There is no Government Intervention.
B. Market Oligopoly
One form of Oligopoly is a Market Structure where there are only a few Manufacturers or just the few Companies that sell Products that are identical or similar to each other.
C. Monopoly Market
In accordance with namannya, Monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller or manufacturer that served so many customers or consumers.
 To Explain the Monopoly Market Structure Necessary to know the cause or the Sources of Monopoly. The source of monopoly is as follows :
  • Resource Monopoly
  • Government monopoly of Creation
  • Natural Monopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition Market (Monopolistic Competition)
Market is a Monopolistic Competition Market Structure with many Manufacturers who sell Products more or less the same, but with different variations. Market Characterized by Monopolistic Competition as follows:
  • There are Many Sellers
  • There is Product Differentiation
  • There is Freedom for out of the Market.
E. Monopsony Market
Monopsony Market is a form of market controlled by one person / agency / institution as a buyer with peawaran of a seller / manufacturer so that the buyer has the ability to set prices. Examples of PT. Railway Indonesia is the only company that controls the pricing range of railway equipment in Indonesia. State Electricity Company (PLN) control pricing power pole.
F. Duopsoni Market
Duopsoni is a form of market is dominated by two people / companies as buyers with offers from a number of sellers. Examples of telecommunications infastruktur SLI produced by enterprises in Indonesia just purchased by two companies, namely PT. Telkomsel and PT. Indosat.
G. Oligopsoni Market
Oligopsoni market is a form of market dominated by some companies as an offer from a buyer with the seller. Examples of Telkom, Indosat, Mobile-8, Excelcomindo is some infastruktur buyers of mobile telecommunications company.