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Key Issues facing the us economy

When talking about "Economic Issues", then the question is a Macroeconomic problem. Some of the most important problems in the economy of a country is economic growth, unemployment, inflation and balance of trade imbalances and balance of payments.

Here are Examples of the major problems facing the economy:
  • Economic Growth - Economic growth can be interpreted as the development of economic activities that cause increasing amounts of goods and services produced by society. Problems of economic growth is a long-term economic problems. That is, as long as the economy of a country still exists, this problem will continue to exist.
  • Poverty - Economic disparity or inequality in income distribution between high-income groups and low-income groups and the level of poverty or the number of people who are below the poverty line (Poverty Line) are the two major problems in many developing countries are no exception in Indonesia.
  • Economic Instability - The Economy does not always evolve regularly from single period k peridoe other. Slalu economy experiencing conditions up and down, sometimes very rapidly growing economy sehigga cause price increases.
  • Unemployment Problem - The main factor that causes unemployment is the lack of aggregate expenditure. Companies producing goods and services with a view to obtaining benefits to be gained if these goods and services sold in the market. When demand increased, the more goods and services diperoduksi company.
  • Inflation Problem - Inflation is a process of rising prices prevailing in the economy. Each country has inflation, but in different levels.
  • Balance of Trade Imbalance and Remuneration. - Countries in the world at large has set up an open economy. This means that every country has economic relations with other countries, the economic relationship is primarily done with import-export activities.